日本財団 図書館


1 ASEAN Oil Spill Response Action Plan (ASEAN OSRAP) as agreed on May 20th 1993.
2 Supply agreement between JAPMA and DGSC Indonesia dated September2, 1993.


Subsequent to the allocations as agreed at National level for the OSPAR Project, these equipments and information network system have been further delivered on January 13th 1994 from JAPMA to the following Agencies in Indonesia:


1 BAPPEDAL (as Focal Point), the information network system
2 PERTAMINA (as Supporting Agency), the equipments for marine oil spill abatement
3 DGSC (as Lead Agency), the information network system and communication devices


Table showing details, description and present condition of these equipments and system appear in Appendix ?.


1 Information network system has been allocated and installed at the Operation Room of the National Operation Centre (NOC) which operates 24 hours daily and handled by dedicated personnel that have been purposely trained by the supplier. As informed in the previous country report, at present this system operates through the following telephone number 62-21-3456614 which also utilize for multiple purpose either for verbal conversation or fax, therefore the other member states cannot directly communicate (automatically), but still need to contact the operator to link it to the system. Portable communication devices have been stored at the NOC which always standby for emergency purpose include the need to send them to other locations as required.




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